Alter Magazine
Editorial design, conceptualization & packaging design
December 2020
Alter Magazine was an idea born from the necessity we saw in people of breaking free and getting in touch with all the many facets that exist within themselves. We admire the ability drag queens have to get in touch with these very different coexisting realities, and become one with their alter ego, which is why they became our main theme and inspiration.
Alter Magazine is a celebration of the many facets and colors of humanity: a space of no boundaries and no fear of diving into oneself. A heavy mix of art, fashion, photography, and makeup, Alter’s purpose is to set free the alter ego in all of us and blur the social constructs that limit our human expression. A tribute to the drag in us.
We were assigned to create a packaging idea for the magazine’s first edition. Inspired by drag slang (to serve realness), we decided on a hot-pink pizza box that matches this edition’s color and delivers the magazine in an unexpected way.
In Collaboration with Bárbara Cantú
Assessor: Erika Muzquiz
Photography Editorials: Brenda Cantu
Supporting Photography: Brenda Cantu, Cottonbro, Anna Shvets, Anna Kolchina
Michelle Obama Illustration: Daniela Rodriguez